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Monday, October 22, 2012

Pre-Registration Workshops!

As your peer advisors, we all can remember how daunting the registration process can be especially the first go around. Luckily, your academic advisors have set up pre-registration workshops to help you remember some key tips for when you begin the registration process. They are also MANDATORY in order to be cleared for registration so it is imperative that you sign up to attend one if you haven't already!

To see the schedule and sign up for a pre-registration workshop please click here

The pre-registration workshops will inform you about

  • how to use the add/drop feature on the online registration
  • reviewing the rules about waitlisting for courses
  • adding classes for "general education" credit
  • understanding the importance of pre-requisite courses
  • reviewing guidelines for taking courses Pass/Fail
In order to be cleared to register for the Spring, you must attend one pre-registration workshop (it does not have to be with your assigned academic advisor) and then make an appointment with your academic advisor for sometime after the workshop. When you meet with your advisor, be prepared to bring a draft schedule to show them. Your schedule should include some back up classes in case you get wait listed or closed out of classes you had planned on taking. Your draft schedule should also make sense time wise; that is, don't have 2 classes that overlap during the same time slot unless one of them is a back up class.

Also remember that the college writing and math requirements must be completed within your first year. This means that if you have not already completed this requirements, they are mandatory for the spring semester and your other classes must fit around them. For any questions regarding your status on college writing, math or general education classes, you can email or meet with either you peer or academic advisor.

As always if you have questions or want to go over a draft schedule with a peer advisor feel free to email or make an appointment to meet! We are always here to help!

Ø  Review registration guidelines (such as dates and the waitlist process) here

Ø  Confirm your registration date here 

Ø  Review the online schedule of classes for Spring 2012 here

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